
We take the safeguarding of our pupils very seriously. We have a full policies and procedures manual which is open to inspection by parents and carers of enrolled children at any time. Many of the procedures relate, in one or more aspects, to safeguarding but those with particular relevance, together with a precis of their contents are:
Staff recruitment
All staff recruited to join the school, whether full or part time, are subjected to a series of suitability checks before employment becomes permanent. The checks include proof of identity, proof of qualifications, enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service disclosure and, for teaching staff, prohibition from teaching checks.
Child Protection
The school has a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and a Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL). All staff have contact details for these officers and are required to report any concerns to them. Staff have regular training in recognition of possible signs and symptoms of abuse of children and in how to approach and listen to children when discussing such matters. Training encompasses the requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education, a strict need for confidentiality and record keeping. The safeguarding officers also have regular update training and knowledge of the contacts for onwards referral.
The school defines bullying as any case of persistent, unkind, aggressive or violent behaviour by one or more children towards another or others. Bullying behaviour is covert and concealed and can involve personal contact or be remote as in, for example, cyber bullying. Bullying and related topics are addressed during PHSE lessons, and the school culture encourages children to confide in a member of staff if they are concerned. Actions to be taken by staff when dealing with information received from children are set out in the procedure.
Collection of children
Children are only released to recognised carers and parents are required to provide written notice and a password if their child is to be collected by a person unknown to school staff.
Access to the school premises
The school premises are fenced and access doors and gates are controlled by video-intercom and a thumbprint system for staff. Staff and parents are reminded at regular intervals of the need for vigilance when opening the main gate to ensure that unknown persons do not enter with them.
Personal data of children is kept secure. Paper records are kept in locked cabinets and electronic records are password encrypted, with restricted access. Staff are prohibited from carrying electronic personal data of children outside the school building unless it is password encrypted and "Cloud" or outside server storage of data is not used. The school does not make photographic images of its pupils (either as hard or soft copy) publicly available and requests that parents do not put images identifying pupils and the school on the internet.
Please click here to access our safeguarding statement required by statute.