Daily Routine

The school issues, from time to time, reminders or updates on the daily routine regulations that we have. The points listed below are a summary of these:
Children in the primary school must attend school each day during term time unless they are absent for reasons of illness or religious or compassionate leave. Children will not be granted leave of absence for holiday during term time.
All children must arrive in school in time to begin lessons at 9am promptly. This means that children should arrive in school between ten minutes and five minutes to nine in order to have time to hang up their coats, put away their lunch boxes and go to their classrooms. Parents of children arriving late will be asked to sign the late register.
Parents are asked to notify the school by 8.00am if their child is away from school because of illness and to submit a written note, or email, explaining the absence.
Children must not be brought to school if they have a fever or illness which causes vomiting or diarrhoea and must be kept at home until 24 hours have elapsed after symptoms subside.
Parents are asked to notify the school immediately if their child is diagnosed as having an infectious or contagious illness and to keep their child at home until their medical adviser confirms that all risk of transferring the illness has passed.
If parents wish the school to administer medication to their child they must complete and submit a medication form. The school will only administer prescribed medication and will not do so without receipt of a completed form. In all cases the school reserves the right to refuse to administer medication.
Parents are asked to submit at least one day's notice, either in writing or by email, to the school if they need to collect their child from school for an appointment during the school day.
During the summer term, and at other times when the weather is fine, all children must have sun cream or lotion applied before they arrive at school in the morning and have their own clearly labeled cream or lotion in school for topping up during the day.
During the autumn and winter months all children must have hat, coat, scarf, gloves and weatherproof shoes in school for outdoor play.
All items of clothing brought or worn to school must be clearly labeled with the child's name.
All children must bring a packed lunch to school every day. This must not contain nuts, sweets, chocolate or crisps and should provide a nutritious and well balanced diet. All lunch bags should be insulated and contain an ice pack. The school provides fruit and a drink for break to all children each day.
Children in the primary school are taken on school trips and outings. Parents are given advanced notice of this and are asked to sign a trip consent form. Children cannot be taken on a trip unless the school has received a signed consent form.
Children in the primary school may be taken on trips and outings by the school minibus. Parents are asked to sign a standing consent at the beginning of each academic year to allow their child to travel on the school minibus at any time during that year. Children in the pre-school do not routinely travel on the bus and parents will be notified in advance if a trip is proposed.
Children in years 2 to 6 of the primary school will use the internet as part of the I.T. curriculum. Parents will be asked, at the beginning of each academic year, to sign a consent form allowing this.
All children must be collected from the school on time each day. Charges will be made for care of children if parents arrive late to collect them.
Parents are encouraged to walk or cycle to and from the school with their children. Parents who drive may not drive on to Great Eastern Enterprise Estate or park at the school and must follow the drop off and pick up procedures set out by the school.