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Attendance Options

Information about attendance options for your child at River House


Attendance Options

Our attendance options fall into two groups:


Term only, which means attendance only due the teaching terms


All year, which means attendance during both teaching term time and during the majority of the school holidays.


Within these two groups parents can choose between:


Core hours, which are the teaching hours each day of 9am to 4pm.


Extended hours, which give attendance for breakfast club (8am to 9am) and after school club (4pm to 6pm).


Flexible extended hours, which gives extended hours attendance for part of each week.


Parents of children in pre-school can further choose between all day attendance or morning or afternoon only. Dates for both term times and holiday time attendances can be accessed via the the Useful Information/Term Dates page.


Fees for the various attendance options depend upon the age of the child and the full fee schedules, together with further information on attendance options, can also be accessed via the Admissions/Fees page. 


A child's year group is determined by the age they become in the academic year beginning on 1st September.

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